Frequently Asked Questions
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- What are other benefits of properly disposing my used oil?
What are other benefits of properly disposing my used oil?
By complying with local and federal laws, it is imperative to continue to protect our environment for not only a cleaner today, but a better tomorrow. By continuing to mishandle used oils, our sewers, landfills and ground will continue to absorb harmful chemicals that, in turn, are absorbed by plants, posing a threat not only to the animals that feed off of these plants, but the produce and crops that humans rely on. Our water supply is directly affected by used oil disposed of in our grounds and sewers, as used oil is carried out to streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This can directly harm and kill all aquatic life, as well as disrupts natural sunlight and precipitation.
- What will the recycled used oil be used for?
What will the recycled used oil be used for?
Used oil can be processed into a variety of different fuels and energy sources; heating, power plants which can generate electricity, boilers, blended for marine diesels, re-refined into lubes for engines and motors.
- Is Bravo Energy fully certified?
Is Bravo Energy fully certified?
Bravo Energy is fully certified and licensed to receive, handle, transport, treat and process all used oils. Bravo Energy is also licensed as a final destination for such hazardous wastes.
- Why is it important to change my engine’s oil?
Why is it important to change my engine’s oil?
Used oil that is not properly recycled or treated, harms our environment by being absorbed into the ground, contaminating the air and the atmosphere, or gets washed into the earth’s waters. All of this has a dramatic and irreversible effect on our ecosystem and both directly and indirectly affects our lives.
- What happens to my used oil?
What happens to my used oil?
If disposed of properly, used oil can be treated and recycled in a variety of ways. This will prevent harmful chemicals from affecting our waters, our air, soil, plants, food, animals, and human health. Bravo Energy uses an eco-friendly process which re-refines used oil, protects the environment, and provides renewable energy.
- What is used oil?
What is used oil?
Used oil is hazardous waste from engines and motors that no longer has additives and lubricants to properly perform its function in an engine or motor. Used oil on its own is not a hazardous waste; however, it may be contaminated with different chemicals, water, dirt or other particles which can harm an engine or the environment, if not properly disposed.