Waste Treatment Services
We offer waste transportation in our own exclusive trucks for bulk liquid waste. We also contract outside companies that have the proper authorizations to transport liquid and solid waste. All transportation is covered by a civil responsibility insurance policy up the amount of $3,000,000.00 dollars, in the event of an accident throughout the national territory of Chile.
The storage of waste takes place in an authorized warehouse with the capacity to store 1,500,000 tons (in drums) here is where waste is stored until it’s eliminated according to company process.
Waste Destruction
Proprietary waste destruction technology that results in the issuance of a Certificate of Destruction.
Waste Analysis In-situ
We develop analysis programs to determine the contamination parameters in solid and liquid waste. We also perform periodic monitoring to determine the variability of the contamination parameters.
Laboratory Analysis
Our state of the arts laboratory allows us to analyze the waste of our own clients as well as to conduct quality controls of our own products.
Export Services of Hazardous Wastes
We are authorized to accept waste that can not be handled in our country to be exported according to the Basel Convention.
Documento de Declaración y Seguimiento de Residuos Peligrosos
Reglamento Sanitario Sobre Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos